•  Kick-off Workshop  •

The People Service project kicked-off with a Design Thinking Workshop with participation from Product Management, Design and Development. Over the span of 2 days, we (1) created personas, (2) built empathy maps, (3) outlined the as-is scenario, (4) captured needs statements, and (5) storyboarded to-be scenarios.

After the workshop our outcomes got more granular...


1. Directory/Search

  • A user can find someone from the directory page as a top result, with the assistance of a relationship-aware search experience.

2. Your Profile

  • A user can quickly get oriented or reoriented with tailored profile pages that emphasize content they care about.

3. My Profile

  • A user can effortlessly enhance their own profile, allowing them to curate their online identity with content of their choice.

Outcome 4 - Create Groups

  • A user can create meaningful groupings of people, so that they can easily find groups they care about.


Outcome 5 - Business Card

  • A user can quickly get oriented or reoriented in context with a tailored business card that emphasizes content they care about.

Outcome 6 - Admin

  • An admin can install and enable extensions to meet a company’s needs.


...and even more granular over time to make sure we were prioritizing and tracking requirements with the user in mind.


1. Search

  • As a user, I can find someone so I can get what I need from their profile page.

  • As a user, I can filter my search results so I can quickly target what I'm looking for.

  • As a user, I can search from a profile page so I can easily pivot to another person.

2. My Network

  • As a user, I can see a consolidated view of my network so I can easily reference them and find out who I'm losing touch with.

3. My Invitations

  • As a user, I can see my Network Invitations so I can manage my impending relationships.

4. My Private Notes

  • As a user, I can see all the notes I created in one place so I can easily access information otherwise stored across profiles.

5. Your Profile

  • As a user, I can get oriented to who a person is so I can have meaningful engagements.


6. My Profile

  • As a user, I can curate my online identity so others can get oriented to who I am.

  • As a user, I can see who I follow so I can easily reference them or unfollow someone's updates.

  • As a user, I can see my followers so I know who is viewing my updates.

7. Biz Card

  • As a user, I can see quick information on a person and take action immediately.

8. What's New

  • As a user, I can see what the new features are and utilize them efficiently.

9. Settings

  • As a user, I can access my profile and get help and support of the app.


•  Research  •

Wanting to make informed decisions, we did research to understand what the ideal profile could be and this data was reflected in our first design iteration.


•  Design Explorations  •

We initially assumed people would benefit from seeing slightly different profile layouts based on their relationships. For example, when you don't know someone we wanted to privilege a large header showcasing their photo and About information. Alternatively, if you knew somebody we wanted to reduce the header and elevate your shared content.

We also wanted to push on defaults with a smart background image, communicating a person's time of day at a glance.


"I don't know you"

"I know you"

•  Feedback  •

While our customers appreciated the new design concept, they were concerned about a dynamic relationship-based layout. Consistency and trust were the overwhelming themes.

This put us on the path to creating an optimal design that improves the experience for all relationship types.


•  Rapid Iteration  •

Working across web and mobile, we pushed on a new end-to-end product experience until we felt confident about our first release.


•  Landing Page Iterations  •

The landing page, by far, went through the most drastic design iterations. The purpose of this page is to initiate your directory search, but we thought there was potential to have it do more. All of the components we tried adding kept testing as distracting and low-value / not contributing to our user's work-related goals. It was never our intent to make search a secondary action, so we course corrected until we started getting the feedback we were looking for.

Designing reductively, we ended up with what would seem like the obvious choice. This proved, once again, that simplicity is deceptively difficult to achieve and 'just because you can, doesn't mean you should.'

•  Final Design  •

• MVP Implementation •


• Previous Design •


• Day-in-the-life / Cross-platform •

•  Research Summary  •

2017 - 2018 / Sonal Star (UXR)

•  Looking Forward  •

Even though we're in the product development cycle, I think it's critical to never lose sight of high-value innovations we want to explore in the future. This defines our trajectory and moves us forward with purpose.

Understandably, getting into more detail here is confidential.  😙



  • I don't want to see detailed communications from older interactions / not see older stuff at all

  • seeing future interactions relative to past interactions / new activity is critical

  • I want to know what my role is with this upcoming interactions

  • I want to take personal notes store/link related content that only I can see > it's own timeline?

  • I like knowing our relationship milestones, broadly

    • 🤝 You were both introduced on Nov 17, 2014

    • 👍 You had your first 1:1 interaction on Dec 2, 2014

    • 👋 You both reconnected after lost time on Mar 26, 2015

    • 👏 You have had 246 interactions in the last 30 days

    • ✍️ You communicate most through Watson Workspace

    • 👇 You have downloaded 6 of their files in the past 30 days

    • 🙌 You have liked 34 of their posts in the past 30 days

    • 🤞 You have 3 commitments to this person right now

    • 💪 You are both connected to the same 96 people

    • 👉 You have @mentioned this person 16 times in the past 30 days

    • 👈 They have @mentioned you 4 times in the past 30 days

  • I want to know detailed information about people I don't know

    • job description

    • contact information

    • skills / expertise

    • network

    • chain of command

    • location / timezone

  • If we work together every day I want quick access to your and the things we have both recently worked on

    • content we both interacted with

    • online status

    • work they are proud of*

    • social media activity

  • If we've lost touch I want to get re-oriented

    • current projects

    • our history across tools

    • work they are proud of*

  • it could be fun to trigger personality insights to see how I come across with different people

  • any information we trigger in a ticker can naturally surface later if it has a longer loading time w/ loading indicator

  • there are different "weights" to the different ways we communicate / not just amount of communication - could be a way of labeling the relationship

    • Your Email Companion, 28x this week

    • Your Watson Workspace Buddy, 30x this week

    • Your IBM Sametime Pal, 76x this week

  • I can filter the people in the space to isolate the kind of content I want to see

  • need to be culturally sensitive with informal greetings "Hey Laura!"

  • aggregated content will contain a mix of participation from people involved

  • aggregated content will include future and past interactions with an overlay of people-centric insights


  • Different tools have different strategies for storing data giving us an incomplete (older) timeline

  • Most Watson services (ex: tone, personality insights) would need to be triggered manually - cannot auto-run on everything

  • need to find ubiquitous launching/surfacing trigger


  • how are we getting access to all of that data? > re: onboarding experience

  • how much data can we realistically triangulate across tools?

  • does different indexes/api structures limit our insight algorithms

  • can user's take action in context or easily pivot to the tool of origin

  • what does it mean for watson to power search? watson conversation opportunities?

  • what does it mean to search a space

  • why would I ever want to 'trigger' tone analysis?

  • can we pick and choose what aspects of personality insights we surface / can we do this in context vs pop-up?

  • how far back can we calculate relationship milestone data performantly?

  • are we liable for any watson vdl if that's our differentiator?

  • any legal implications for the kind of analysis we want to do?

  • what is our hard-definition of people-centric insights?